How Do Ground Source Heat Pumps Work to Save Energy Costs?

Using ground source heat pumps can be a great way to save energy costs in your home. They are virtually maintenance free and are long lasting.  They do come with a hefty up-front cost, but they will provide a warmer home in winter and cooler in summer for decades to come. Geothermal HVAC systems exchange […]

Women sittiing with rug and warm drink

Ofgem Tells Off 17 Energy Suppliers for Failing to Help Struggling Customers – 5 Companies have “Severe Weaknesses”

Ofgem recently completed a report based on data it requested from 17 energy suppliers, the brif of the report says that it is “hugely concerning” that companies are failing to identify and assist those consumers who are struggling. All 17 suppliers were told they need to improve, with 5 companies reported as “severe weaknesses”. Some […]

Houses with solar panels on the roof in London UK

UK Solar Panel Sales Soar Due to Energy Crisis & Installation Costs Down by 60% from 10 Years Ago

Along with the ongoing energy crisis in the UK, there are a number of reasons why solar panel sales have been growing. These reasons include the government’s focus on tackling the cost-of-living crisis, as well as the lower cost of small-scale solar PV systems and their installation. Increasing number of solar panel sales Ten years […]

energy index

Energy bills to soar to £3,000 a year from April 2023, households suffering fuel poverty will rise from 7M to 8.6M

Whilst goverment assistance is high on the list of priorities, energy bills for average UK households will rise another £500 from April next year.  The End Fuel Poverty Coalition reports that this will increase those already suffering from the energy crisis will rise from 7 Million to 8.6 Million households.  Many Britons have already squeezed […]

Scotland minium EPC rating of D for rental properties

Scotland Landlords: Keep Up to Date with EPC Rating Regulations – What is the new minimum EPC rating for rented property?

The Scottish Government has informed the Scottish Association of Landlords (SAL) of an change in the minimum EPC guidelines. It is expected that the “E” standard will be removed and private rented properties are required to achieve the EPC rating D. D before 31 March 2025. Additionally, the EPC rating that is D is required […]

Winter energy crisis | Expanded energy bill is coming, helping UK 2.8M bill payers | 50,000 may still be left out in the cold

An expanded UK energy discount scheme is under way with some households already receiving a larger rebate.  The new scheme: ‘Warm Home Discount’ is going to help around 2.8 million bill payers, however analysts believe that 50,000 may miss out.  Not to be confused with the current ‘Winter Fuel Payment’ for pensioners or the Scotland […]

Buy to Let Mortgages and impact of EPC rating

Can a Low EPC Rating Affect My Mortgage?

As sustainability plays increasing importance in the housing industry, much more discussion regarding EPC ratings affecting mortgages. With the current UK energy crisis and the government’s plan for Net-Zero carbon emissions by 2050, legislation is coming into effect and the MEES (Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards) increases the minimum EPC rating a property can have. Similar […]